Monday, August 23, 2010

still yours

Still yours . . . two words to which I pin my hopes. You are moved by a song, but is your heart still really with me? Love dies from neglect and I'm so afraid that our love will die. You are so far from where you need to be, it seems, so far from the truth. Will you lose sight of me as you meander down this path? I entrust you to the Lord, again. I have to believe that he will reveal himself to you and that the spirit will come upon you with power. My heart yearns for you to see the truth and believe it on faith.

Open the eyes of his heart, Lord, so that he can see you. Reveal yourself to him, I pray. Show him your glory, your holiness, your sovereignty, your power. Humble him, protect him from the evil one who wants to ensnare him in doubt. Help me to be patient and to trust you more.

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