Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dear Dick #2

It's the second day of my 'experiment' in withholding words from you as much as possible. We've exchanges email messages, but they have been devoid of emotion or relationship references. Just the facts of the day -- mostly about your rush project. This is going to get boring for me, but I'm committed to the cause! :-) I wonder if you will even notice the lack of my effusiveness. Will you miss my words of love? There isn't the usual anticipation about our upcoming date. I'm looking forward to it and I want to be with you, but I'm not counting down the days necessarily. Since there is no emotion in our communication, there is an emotional distance. Even our last few phone conversations have been rather cut and dry -- even my pathetic attempt at speaking Dutch was rather unemotional! Interesting phenomenon. I read over some old email messages today while looking for a past reference (a Dutch phrase) and I have to admit, it was a bit painful. So many loving messages -- and now what? I feel like I'VE kept it up, but you -- what about you? What happened to my Romeo? I hope he returns ...

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