Thursday, October 23, 2008


I'm feeling rather melancholy today. Maybe it's hormonal, I don't know. My diet is much improved this week, but I haven't exercised at all. I slept pretty well though I woke up early because it was cold in my room. I've put in a full week of work for the first time in several weeks -- work has been kind of boring lately. At least I have things to look forward to this weekend with elder daughter coming home for a visit, movie date, concert at church.

It was probably a mistake to go to Borders twice this week -- He wasn't there either time. I'm torn about this approach -- it's my only chance to encounter him outside of the dentist office, but if he isn't there, I leave feeling like a loser. Pathetic. I'm thinking about it less -- you can only hold on to something that isn't there for so long.

Better to get on with the day...

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