Tuesday, January 8, 2008

some goals for 2008

I like to set some annual goals for myself. I like the satisfaction of checking items off a list and reflecting back on accomplishments. It helps me feel like I'm getting somewhere. I don't get obsessive about it -- don't feel that I must accomplish every single thing or beat myself up for not being where I think I should be. I think having goals is essential. So, my goals for this year are in no particular order:

1) finalize my divorce -- it's time for closure and release (not for him, but for me!)
2) stabilize my finances -- I need to set up all my regular bills on autopay and est. a deduction that goes directly into my savings account. Hopefully this will keep me more disciplined and get me through times when the child support is late.
3) lose the excess pounds that I gained during the separation and stop blaming my eating habits on stress
4) run (not walk!) a 5k -- the Corporate Challenge in May
5) volunteer my time on a regular basis
6) tithe consistently
7) start or get involved in a support group for divorced women

That seems like a good challenging list. Let's see where it takes me!

1 comment:

Amy R said...

It's July and time to record progress on those goals!

The divorce is final.

I've lost 12 lbs.

Some of my bills are on auto pay and I have $ going into a savings account. I would be in better shape if James was not 2 mos. behind on child support!

Tithing is still inconsistent, but I'm working on it!

I'm running more, but still can't do a 5K.